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The building blocks of workplace inclusion

Author(s): Philippe T.J.H. Nelissen
Publication date: Friday, 12 May, 2017

In this dissertation I discuss the boundary conditions concerning the sustainable employment of people with disabilities. It is therefore necessary to first take a closer look at the target group of this research to present a more precise image of people with disabilities. Consequently, by providing more information I aim to adjust the common stereotypical view on the prevalence and functioning of people with disabilities. In this research I focused on a specific Dutch group with disabilities, which are labeled as the “Wajong”. The term Wajong originates from the Dutch Act “Wet Werk en Arbeidsondersteuning Jonggehandicapten (1998)”. Before the introduction of the Participation Act in 2015, all Dutch people that suffered from a disability before the age of 18, that prevented them to work, were guaranteed to be included by this Act for the duration of their disability. Currently more than 250.000 people make use of this social safety net (CBS, 2015)1. In the Wajong, only 14% has a somatic clinical picture, whereas 39% has an intellectual disability, 19% were identified with a psychiatric syndrome, 16% is diagnosed with autism, 7% suffers from attention deficit disorders, and 5% has other developmental disorders. Striking is that over 50% of this group is diagnosed with more than disorder. In total, 86% of people with disabilities have some sort of mental disorder.

Source: Maastricht University
Keyword(s): Arbeidsbeperkingen , Arbeidsmarkt , Arbeidsparticipatie , Begeleiding , Inclusieve arbeidsorganisatie , Onderzoek , Participatie , Wajong , Werknemers
External link: Philippe Nelissen