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An article by Gemma van Ruitenbeek, Fred Zijlstra and Ute Hülsheger, published in the Journal of Occupational Rehabilition, regarding the Maastricht Work Capacity Monitor (MW©M), an instrument developed to guide people with a so-called distance to the labour market.
Work participation has a positive impact on people’s mental and physical health – those with a disability included. There hasn’t, however, been any validated instrument to properly record the work capacity of people with disabilities in order to adapt work and work environment to their needs and to provide clear directions for further guidance. This research’s goal is, therefore, to develop such an instrument. Already existent instruments to measure mental ability, conscientiousness, self-efficacy and coping have been specifically adapted to fit this target group.
The results of this study look promising, but more research needs to be done regarding the predictive power of this instrument when it comes to work behaviour and task performance.